all files / contracts/verifierHelpers/ ReputationVerifierHelper.sol

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// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import {Unirep} from '../Unirep.sol';
import {IVerifier} from '../interfaces/IVerifier.sol';
import {BaseVerifierHelper} from './BaseVerifierHelper.sol';
/// @title ReputationVerifierHelper
/// @dev
contract ReputationVerifierHelper is BaseVerifierHelper {
        Unirep _unirep,
        IVerifier _verifier
    ) BaseVerifierHelper(_unirep, _verifier) {}
    /// @dev
    /// @param publicSignals The public signals of the snark proof
    /// @return signals The ReputationSignals
    function decodeReputationSignals(
        uint256[] calldata publicSignals
    ) public pure returns (ReputationSignals memory) {
        ReputationSignals memory signals;
        signals.epochKey = publicSignals[0];
        signals.stateTreeRoot = publicSignals[1];
        signals.graffiti = publicSignals[4]; = publicSignals[5];
        // now decode the control values
        ) = super.decodeEpochKeyControl(publicSignals[2]);
        ) = decodeReputationControl(publicSignals[3]);
        if (signals.epochKey >= SNARK_SCALAR_FIELD) revert InvalidEpochKey();
        Iif (signals.attesterId >= type(uint160).max) revert AttesterInvalid();
        return signals;
    /// @dev
    /// @param control The encoded control field
    /// @return minRep The minimum rep information in the control field
    /// @return maxRep The maximum rep information in the control field
    /// @return proveMinRep Whether to prove minimum rep information in the control field
    /// @return proveMaxRep Whether to prove maximum rep information in the control field
    /// @return proveZeroRep Whether to prove zero rep information in the control field
    /// @return proveGraffiti Whether to prove graffiti information in the control field
    function decodeReputationControl(
        uint256 control
        returns (
            uint64 minRep,
            uint64 maxRep,
            bool proveMinRep,
            bool proveMaxRep,
            bool proveZeroRep,
            bool proveGraffiti
        uint8 repBits = 64;
        uint8 oneBit = 1;
        uint8 accBits = 0;
        minRep = uint64(shiftAndParse(control, accBits, repBits));
        accBits += repBits;
        maxRep = uint64(shiftAndParse(control, accBits, repBits));
        accBits += repBits;
        proveMinRep = bool(shiftAndParse(control, accBits, oneBit) != 0);
        accBits += oneBit;
        proveMaxRep = bool(shiftAndParse(control, accBits, oneBit) != 0);
        accBits += oneBit;
        proveZeroRep = bool(shiftAndParse(control, accBits, oneBit) != 0);
        accBits += oneBit;
        proveGraffiti = bool(shiftAndParse(control, accBits, oneBit) != 0);
        accBits += oneBit;
    /// @dev
    /// @param publicSignals The public signals of the snark proof
    /// @param proof The proof data of the snark proof
    /// @return signals The ReputationSignals
    function verifyAndCheck(
        uint256[] calldata publicSignals,
        uint256[8] calldata proof
    ) public view returns (ReputationSignals memory) {
        ReputationSignals memory signals = decodeReputationSignals(
        if (!verifier.verifyProof(publicSignals, proof)) revert InvalidProof();
        uint48 epoch = unirep.attesterCurrentEpoch(signals.attesterId);
        if (signals.epoch > epoch) revert InvalidEpoch();
        if (
        ) revert InvalidStateTreeRoot(signals.stateTreeRoot);
        Iif (signals.chainId != chainid) revert ChainIdNotMatch(signals.chainId);
        return signals;
    /// @dev
    /// @param publicSignals The public signals of the snark proof
    /// @param proof The proof data of the snark proof
    /// @return signals The ReputationSignals
    function verifyAndCheckCaller(
        uint256[] calldata publicSignals,
        uint256[8] calldata proof
    ) public view returns (ReputationSignals memory) {
        ReputationSignals memory signals = verifyAndCheck(publicSignals, proof);
        if (signals.attesterId != uint160(msg.sender)) {
            revert CallerInvalid();
        return signals;